Monday, September 17, 2007

Containerhouse Vandalized

I arrived Sunday morning to unfortunately find that my containerhouse had been broken into and vandalized. 15 bullet holes were on the south side of the container and items had been stolen including some important papers. I contacted the sheriff's office immediately. They came out shortly, inspected the premises and said I may pick up a report tomorrow (Monday). I went to the the sheriff's office this morning and a lot of important information was missing, such as some stolen items. None of the evidence found at the site was included in the report. When I pointed this out, I felt like I was being dismissed. The deputy finally agreed to add an addemdum to the report. I'm still in shock, and the response that I am getting from the sheriff's office is very discouraging. I will contact the appropriate finacial institutions to make sure no one is using my identity to defaud me. I was afraid and did not stay in the container last night. Not sure what to do next..need to pause in order to make some rational decisions.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Spring Weather

Finally getting warm weather after two months of weather well below normal. Had snow accumulation two weeks ago. First time I had seen snow here. Temperatures all this week in mid 60's to 70 degrees. Woopee!! Had not been able to install insulation because the glue required warmer temperatures. No excuse for being lazy now. Took some pictures that I am posting.